Pre-internet Era

Matchmaking was solely done among relatives and friends. The extent of their reach was very limited, so the choices were limited.

Limited Choices Led to More Matrimonial Problems

Marriages arranged among relatives/friends required a lot of compromises, and this, in turn, led to issues in the life of the couple, as a compromised marriage will naturally carry a huge risk. Some common ones include: matching an educated person to an uneducated person, insufficient income for the groom, the demand of dowry, etc.

Advent of the Internet 1996–2000

With the birth of the internet, matchmaking through online matrimonial sites became a household practice in most of the big cities.

Range of Choices Became Broader & Reduced Traditional Matrimonial Issues

With the advent of online matchmaking sites, there were cheers among the youngsters who wanted to get married, since they could finally come out of their relatives’ box to see a larger pool of eligible men and women. This seemed to reduce the traditional matrimonial issues of getting married to the limited choices of relatives and friends.

Post-Millennium Era 2000–2010

With online matrimony matchmaking becoming a huge success, newer and newer online sites were mushrooming all around the nation.

As the Industry Grows, so Does the Greed!

Once the big players had captured a strong market share in the online matrimony space, their pricing model became very un-affordable to many, who were eventually forced to compromise once again to find their match within the service time frame they could afford, and you know what happened next—the same issue of a compromised marriage!

Free Matrimony Era 2010–Present

Free Indian Matrimony was launched with the sole purpose of eliminating the issues surrounding online matrimony—that is, to provide unlimited matrimony services without you having to make any compromises in your search for a soulmate!

Now, the Full Story

Marriages were said to happen in Heaven in the past, but in the present high-tech world, this saying has to be rewritten as:

Marriages are made on the internet!

Well, yes, this is the ironic world we are in today, where the old mainframe computers have shrunk into our palms in the form of smartphones and tablets, yet more powerful than ever. The future of this technology is almost unimaginable. In the past decade or so, we have seen men and women being matched from one corner of the world to another with the power of the internet. The horizon of marriages was redrawn rapidly, with boundaries broken, and we have seen total strangers meeting with each other and finally ending up in a happy wedlock. This is an amazing change of culture for our Indian families. This matchmaking was not possible before the era of the internet, except for some love marriages that happened through conventional pen-pal friendships.

While we are certainly here to embrace matchmaking through the internet, we have to also take notice that, of late, this method is being exploited by some profit-oriented organizations to make as much money as possible out of those who would like to get married through an internet-based matchmaking process. If we look at the pricing model of any popular matrimony websites today, we can quickly see that the model is structured in such a way as to squeeze maximum profit before anyone can even find their best match. In early 2000, we were allowed to call unlimited phone numbers and send unlimited emails till we find our best match; however, now this flexible model is rarely seen, even in a new matrimony start-up.

The present models would rather limit the number of calls or emails for the price you pay.

This means that if you need to broaden your search, you need to pay more! We are afraid of the kind of social problems that this will lead to, because in order to save money, there can be cases where the prospective bride or groom will rush to finalize their partners instead of doing a thorough search to find the right one. Such compromises will lead to greater post-marriage problems, all purely stemming from these profit-oriented business models!

This rang us an alarm that these organizations are out there to fish maximum money from this cult of finding matches over the internet. What’s more, in the present day, where all prices are skyrocketing for some valid economic reasons, is that these organizations are interested in cashing in on this inflation spree without any good reasons. While we do not condemn such business practices, we also would like to be fair to the general public to pay only the right price to find their dream partners, and not left helpless in the hands of these unscrupulous organizations, whose aim is to squeeze out.

Therefore, we would like to prove through this website that it will not cost much to find your dream partner through the internet because there is no need for huge capital to keep the matrimony websites up and running. Hence, we have launched this website with the minimum capital necessary, to prove this theory, and have decided to allow all members to contact each other free for life through email or phone!

This is simply to ensure that it is your right to find your dream partner, for a successful married life, without paying a penny to anyone in this world!

This is akin to Wikipedia, which is determined to feed the world with all knowledge possible, absolutely for free. Therefore, we are giving a life-long assurance here that we will not be changing our business model to a paid one at any time in the future. This is not going to be a sales or marketing gimmick to draw visitors to our site; it is, instead, a permanent guarantee, as long as we own this website. This is why we have even named our site to make our non-profit objective engraved on the domain name itself! We hope to fund our operations through donations and other small advertisements.

Like all other non-profit sites, such as Wikipedia, etc., we can only launch sites with a noble objective, and it depends on the general public to respect the idea and objectives to make it a grand success. We will be greatly appreciative if you can give your unwavering support to this site to make our wishes come true. If this site becomes popular, our future generations will be able to marry their best choice of partner, instead of rushing into their marriage. Hence, if you like our motto, please do recommend it to all your friends. We certainly need your blessings to keep this site free for life, as we want it to be.

Best Wishes

The Brains Behind Our Technology

Meet the creative ingenious team

Deepak Kumar

UI Designer

Sonia Negi

Sr. UI Designer

Subrat Bhol

TL (UI Designer and Developer)

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7 responses to “About us”

  1. sksagark4 says:

    I am really happy to be a member of is an innovative step to help people of india & abroad for marriage.
    As a citizen of india I give my thanks to the founder of this marriage site.God bless him.
    But few Basic information of the Brides/grooms are not found nor provided for which choosing a partner would be difficult.
    these are….1,,partner preference are not avialable.member”s Education,Income,family details to be mentioned.If there pls.convey to me
    warm regards

  2. Raja Kumar says:

    Thank you for your compliments. The education field is there in the profile details. Please take a look at it again. You can use profile description field to key in any missing details about yourself.

  3. sksagark4 says:

    Dear sir,i am happy receiving your reply soon.I again thank you for the noble idea for the brides/grooms to get married for free.Really you are great ,doing this Auspicious job free for the welfare of needy people.
    Again I would like to be guided that…1,how a member will know that who visited his/her profile.2,,The partner preference provision is not there.
    3,,After sending message ,how one will know that is received by the member or not & the response also.
    These three questines are in my mind.May I request you to guide me please sir ?
    Awaiting your reply.
    Warm regards,

    • Raja Kumar says:

      Hello Sir,

      Thank you again. There is no option for you to see who visited you. All your messages are sent to the recipients on time. You will get a response from them directly to your email if they wish to reply.

      We will introduce partner preference soon.

  4. sksagark4 says:

    ok sir,thank you so much for your reply.I am grateful that you have considered my request & the nice response of my quarries,
    however ,stay home & be safe for yourself & your family,
    warm regards.

  5. sksagark4 says:

    Dear sir,one more thing,how one will know who is online or date of last loged In.So that one can be able to know who is Active or Inactive.
    And one should not be after a inactive profile wasting valuable time.
    sorry to disturb you again. I feel that You are a responsible busy man thinking for the welfare of mankind.

    • Raja Kumar says:

      You too sir. We will inform you once the new features are added to the site. Thanks for your suggestions.

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