Q.1How can you survive the competition?
We hope to attract a high number of brides and grooms by offering our services for free, and secondly, it is quite a norm for anyone to register in more than one site for their matrimonial search; therefore, we do not lose any profiles to other sites.

Q.2How can I support your noble objectives?
You may share our site on social network sites, WhatsApp, etc., to make it popular. The more it is shared, the greater it will help us to grow.

Q.3Will the advertising revenue be sufficient to keep the site running?
Yes, it is; we keep our operational costs low to ensure the site has enough funds to run until it attracts enough traffic to generate advertising revenue.

Q.4Why do you provide free matrimonial services?
We want to create an online matrimonial platform that will be self-sufficient with advertising revenues without charging any fees to the members.

Q.5Is contacting other members free for life?
Yes, it is; we do not charge anything for you to contact other members by email or phone. This free service is forever.
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