At first, any physician prescribes Leafy Greens as well as fruits, whatsoever may be the ailment!

Numerous Ayurvedic medicines are manufactured using medicinal herbs. As a result, the naturalness of Ayurveda does not have substantial side-impacts on a human body. A daily sincere consumption of basic green leafy vegetables ought to become an inclusion of the diet. Nevertheless, simple solutions can definitely maintain the complex system of a body.

Subsequently, read on some of the Leafy greens to sustain our healthy guts for the lifetime.

Mint Leaves

Methods of Consumption:
Add lemon juice, pieces of ginger and mint leaves to the glass of hot water. The glassful drink serves you with a refreshing dawn.

Mint leaves serve as a decorative part for the final dressing of vegetable, salad, curry and any drink. Besides, it adds to the flavor of food.

Elemental Ingredients:
Mint is a great source of Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin A and C and Calcium.


Methods of Consumption:
The paste form of spinach mixed with dough is used to prepare nourishing parathas (oil-roasted flat Indian bread).

Consume spinach juice blended with a pinch of salt and cumin seed powder, daily. It works wonders for rising hemoglobin level. An assorted blend of other vegetables and fruits is indeed healthy and satisfying to our taste-buds.

Elemental ingredients:
Spinach is the richest source of Vitamin A. The other important constituents consist of Vitamin A, Calcium Magnesium, Iron, Potassium and Vitamin B-6. I hope you discern the reason behind Popeye’s biceps!


Methods of Consumption:
Adding them to salad and sandwiches is the best way to consume it in the raw form.

Consume Broccoli soup twice or thrice a week to form it as a nutritional feature in your diet.

Elemental Ingredients:
This vegetable is the richest source of Vitamin C, other than the varied components of dietary fiber, Vitamin A, Sodium, and Iron.

Coriander Leaves

Methods of Consumption:
Coriander leaves are generally used as a garnishing substance with a majority of Indian dals (Curry) and soups. Also, it is cheaply available.

The chutney (blended semi-solid dip) is prepared by grinding coconut, nuts, dried chickpea, salt and coriander leaves. Therefore, do include this appropriate food in your daily balanced diet.

Elemental Ingredients:
Carotene, Vitamin A, and C, Niacin, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron are few of the many ingredients of Coriander leaves.


Methods of Consumption:
Similarly, fenugreek leaves are added to the salad, sandwiches, etc. Moreover, methi parathas, are delicious too.

Likewise, consume fenugreek seeds, soaked in hot water. It has multiple healing properties.

Elemental Ingredients:
Fenugreek comprises of Nicotinic acid, Protein, Iron, Phytochemicals, Selenium.

Benefits of Leafy Greens

The elemental ingredients of green leafy vegetables are significant in fortifying the bones, muscles, and tissues. Vitamin C in the leafy greens helps in synthesizing Collagen, Protein, iron and other complex sugars, and aids in better digestion. Vitamin C is beneficial as a physiological anti-oxidant.

At the same time, low in calorie count, not only leafy greens are extensively helpful in weight loss but also aid in easy bowel movement. Cell repair, preventing the risk of cancer, maintaining blood pressure and hemoglobin levels, improving immunity are few of the characteristics of the Leafy greens’ benefits.

In conclusion, cooking or any form of exposure to heat destroys and evaporates the water-soluble constituents. Thus, consuming raw leafy greens is far advantageous as compared to the cooked form.

All things considered, lemme know your views on my other articles here.

Urvi Chheda

Urvi Chheda is an Artist and Writer based in Mumbai, India. She excessively pens her thoughts, after diligent analysis and research, on the subjects of Art, History, Mythology, Travel and Culture. She is a passionate Climber and Marathoner.

One response to “5 Leafy Greens To Sustain Our Healthy Guts for the lifetime”

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