Janam Kundali or Birth chart can be understood as a compressed file of any person’s life in which his/her past and future is summarised in an ordered way. It is actually a graphical illustration of the planetary positions formed in accord with the time, date and place of the birth of any individual. The astrological science believes that the presence of nine planets namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu place themselves in the twelve houses namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces in definite positions. This positioning is the resultant of the actual planetary positions at the time of the birth. It can give a detailed picture of one’s past karma and one’s destiny for distinct prospects of life. You can consider it as a reflection of one’s intrinsic qualities and nature of character, which will develop over a period of time.

The role of Janam Kundali in marriage alliances :

  • It predicts the personality, character, preference and dislike, etc. of potential matches.
  • It also offers an insight into the different prospects of life such as health, career, relationship, finance, and many more about prospective matches.
  • It is mainly implemented to check the compatibility of couples.
  • It will make you aware about the uncertainties of life and formulate certain ways to overcome them.
  • By taking a tour of one’s kundali, you can predict marriage success and different future aspects.


The growing success rate

Thus, Janam kundali can give you a way to know that how a person is going to be in his/her life or in the future. On the basis of its predictions, you can plan your marriage affairs and lead a successful marriage life ahead.

Raja Kumar

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