Meditation is one of those things that we all want to do. There are many meditation techniques which you need to know today.

In the following section, we have mentioned 7 different meditation techniques and their benefits:

# 1 – Standard Sound Meditation Technique:

The standard sound meditation is a healing practice based on mantras. But what is a mantra? It is a sound, a word or a sentence that is repeated over and over again that making the mind vibrates.

For example, the classic “Aummm, Aummm” is a mantra. It is used to free the mind of other thoughts and make it easier to focus on the present.

Mantras are not accidental but they are sacred sounds that have been used since the ancient times to align the mind and change the state of consciousness.

# 2 – Vipassana Technique:

Vipassana is also known as Insight Meditation. At the same time, breathing and the identification of thoughts and emotions are very important. One learns to observe without making a judgment.

With this type of technique, you can learn to see things as they are and not as we would like it to be.

# 3 – Zazen Technique:

Zazen or Zen meditation technique is a form of meditation that is practiced in Buddhism. Again, the breathing is of great importance. In particular, in this technique, the deep abdominal breathing is used.

Zazen is performed while sitting. The posture is straight, the chin is slightly withdrawn, the hands are on the stomach.

This meditation technique teaches us to see and observe thoughts that pass through our minds and then release ourselves from them.

# 4 – Metta Technique:

Metta meditation has its origins in Tibetan Buddhism. The aim of this very ancient form of meditation is to get a kind and a caring attitude towards the world and all beings.

With this technique, one can learn compassion and empathy with others in order to be more positive about life. The acceptance of one’s own being and one’s fellow human beings is an important goal. People with low self-esteem, perfectionists, and self-critical people can benefit greatly from this form of meditation.

# 5 – Kundalini Technique:

The aim of Kundalini meditation technique is to awaken the spirit. On the basis of mantras and chants, attempts are made to penetrate into the subconscious. This type of meditation focuses heavily on the spine. The Kundalini energy is in the lower part of it.

When this energy is released through mantras and chants, one will thereby find spiritual enlightenment.

# 6 – Chakra Technique:

In Tantric Hinduism, there are 6 chakras or energy centers located in different parts of the body. These chakras are the important centers of energy which appear throughout the body. For thousands of years, keeping these chakras in balance has been linked to maintaining physical and mental wellbeing.

This technique focuses on sounds, laying hands, visualizing, and on each chakra that connects body and mind.

# 7 – Tonglen Technique:

Tonglen is one of the most effective meditative practices of Tibetan Buddhism. Tonglen is also very well known for “Taking and Sending”. It reverses our usual logic of avoiding suffering and seeking pleasure.

In this technique, you learn to breathe in the suffering, to accept the pain and to get rid of it. Usually, we flee from negative things, pain, and suffering. But this only makes the situation worse. For this reason, this form seeks to efficiently handle difficult situations and circumstances that are part of life.

Tonglen technique helps to evict negative thoughts and to be kind and sympathetic. Not only visualization is used for that but also breathing is very important in this kind of meditation.

All of these forms of meditation are very positive, choose the one that you like the most and help bring your body and mind into harmony.

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Rohit Raj

Rohit Rajdev is an entrepreneur and having over 2 years of progressive experience as a web content writer. He has ability to generate content in a clear and precise manner. He has extensive knowledge of Google keywords research tools. He is target oriented and ability to perform tasks within limited period of time. You can reach him on

2 responses to “7 Meditation Techniques And Their Benefits”

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