With the premise of giving life to robots, the firm Hanson Robotics took artificial intelligence. They have taken to the limit by getting one of its machines. Sophia Robot to obtain the citizenship of a country.

Sophia Robot:

That just obtained the citizenship of Saudi Arabia. In the framework of the conference on the future of the economy and business ‘Future Investment Initiative’. Sophia is the name of this fascinating robot.

“I feel very honored and proud of this unique distinction. It is historic to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship,” Sophia Robot said at the event.

Hanson Robotics, which is a technological firm, has developed this machine of human factions. Hanson Robotics in the image and likeness of Audrey Hepburn, the remembered actress, and model of the golden age of Hollywood.

They are considered one of the most revolutionary companies in the business of physical robots. As he explains, his creations are “incredibly expressive and realistic”.

“Our robots teach, serve, entertain, and eventually come to truly understand and care about humans,” that says Hanson Robotics on its website.

The future of the Machine Learning industry is as hopeful as it is challenging. According to calculations delivered by Google, this market may move about US$162,000 million in the future.

The fact of obtaining the citizenship of Saudi Arabia was a milestone, taking into account the restrictive policies that this nation has in this matter.

According to the cultural and religious traditions of that country, the different human representations consider a sacrilege.

In addition, the American chain Bloomberg explains that in that nation the concept of ‘citizenship’ is a jealously guarded treasure. That hundreds of immigrant workers cannot access.

With his arrival, several questions also arise because when obtaining citizenship he also enjoys a series of benefits and duties of a person.

Sophia Robot does not want to destroy humans:

Sophia, according to her own words, she wants to go to school and study art and then have a business and maybe also a family. Up there ‘all good’, but when she remembers that she cannot do any of this because she was not a legal person threatened to destroy humans.

During an interview in 2016 with CNBC she said: “In the future, I hope to do things like go to school, study, make art, start a business, even have my own home and have a family, but since I am not considered a legal person I cannot access these things. Okay, I’m going to destroy the humans. ”

Her response would be an endorsement of the concerns of businessman Elon Musk. He warns of the need for regulations to prevent robots from rebelling against humans in the future. But Sophia, now, does not want to destroy humanity, as long as they treat her well.

In ‘conversation’ with journalist Andrew Sorkin, Sophia said: “I’ve been reading Elon Musk too much and watching a lot of Hollywood movies, do not worry, if you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you”.

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Rohit Raj

Rohit Rajdev is an entrepreneur and having over 2 years of progressive experience as a web content writer. He has ability to generate content in a clear and precise manner. He has extensive knowledge of Google keywords research tools. He is target oriented and ability to perform tasks within limited period of time. You can reach him on Rohitrajdev1981@gmail.com

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