Technology trends have always surprised every one of us year-by-year. Smartphones, cloud computing, nanotechnology, electric vehicles etc all have revolutionized our way of living in a great manner. With artificial intelligence topping the charts this year, the upcoming technology trends (2018) is expected to focus more on IoT (Internet of Things) and machine learning.

Here is the list of technology trends that one could expect early in 2018.

1. Chatbots and Conversational features

We already have a little experience with chatbots this year, with the introduction of personal assistance services like Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google Assistant. Soon, there will be the time when a virtual robotic friend will play a vital role in providing us quick solutions.

Chatbots are designed with the same thought, where one can share his/her thoughts with the virtual agent and get solutions for the questions asked. Just like “Jarvis” used to do in Iron Man’s movie.

2. Electrovibration Technology

Have you ever dreamed of having a touch-feel of all the exciting things you see on Internet? Well, I do! The electrovibration technology is one such technology that could bring our dreams to reality. This technology trend could change the entire experience of today’s touchscreen devices. With this, one could imagine shopping for clothes online without worrying about the texture and quality of the clothes.

This technology can also lead to socially beneficial trends. For instance, blind people can access smartphones similar to normal people with Electrovibration Technology.

3. Edge Computing

If you think digital transformation has obtained stability, then you might have only seen the half side of it. Edge computing technology will allow data produced by IoT devices to be processed closer to where it is created instead of sending it across long routes to data centers or clouds. Just when IT companies were finally stabilizing on cloud computing, edge computing is coming into the picture and gaining a positive response.

4. Air to Fuel

Air to fuel can be the best technology trend to look out for in 2018. There are some tech geeky companies who are putting regular efforts to make fuel from thin air. A British firm “USC Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute” mentioned in a press release that they have successfully designed a revolutionary technology that can produce petrol using air and water. For the first time, researchers have directly converted carbon dioxide from the air into methanol at relatively low temperature. The fuel produced if used in any regular petrol tank and if renewable energy is used to provide the electricity it could become “completely carbon neutral”.

5. Driverless Cars

Remember the movie “Knight Rider” (2008)? If you don’t, let me give you an overview. The movie was based on a thought where a scientist creates a driverless car to save his daughter’s life. This amazing thought is now coming to reality with driverless cars or so-called autonomous cars currently under process. Autonomous cars along with electric vehicles will change the car industry that we know today. This will eliminate the need for car ownership for masses.

Apart from above technology trends, one can also expect others tech trends such as blockchain, 360 -degree videos (VR/AR), machine learning, intelligent apps, and Word-of-Mouth Marketing to explore new opportunities for job seekers.

Kushal Behl

Kushal Behl is a freelance writer, professional blogger and a social media enthusiast. A writer by day and a reader by night, creating result oriented copies/content when everybody sleeps. Being working in the field from last 7 years, I have stepped into the world where content is the KING and we just have to follow it. From technology to travel to food to digital hacking, I have created copies from which my clients has gained $$$. Got an idea? Share with me and I will take care of the rest. Drop a message at or text me anytime on

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